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    Rithmic Announces Multiple Language Support

    Rithmic, LLC announced today that its front end trading screens, R | Trader™ and R | Trader Pro™, now support the display of column headings and other information in multiple languages. “We are pleased to be able to display information in the languages most comfortable to our users”, said CEO Jonathan Walden. “As our user base expands globally, it is only natural that we provide and identify trading information in a user’s desired language.”

    Rithmic’s first non-English language is Simplified Chinese. Over the coming months Rithmic expects to support Japanese, Greek, Arabic, Korean, various Indian and other Asian languages and European languages – all as the demand for such languages presents itself.

    Joe Joseph, Rithmic’s chief user interface developer added, “Rithmic’s default language is US English, so if the translation of a phrase into a user’s language is lacking, that user may see a mixture of his language and English”.

    “We have implemented our multiple language sub-system so that as new languages and new words and phases for current languages are supported, they will be seen by users automatically, without having to reload or reinstall R | Trader™ or R | Trader Pro™, said Eric Aversa, Rithmic’s head of operations.

    To make use of the multiple language support of R | Trader™ or R | Trader Pro™, please download or upgrade to version

    Rithmic is a developer of high performance multi-asset trade execution software. Rithmic’s R | Trade Execution Platform™ for trading futures, spreads, equities and options provides highly stable and scalable desktop trading and risk management screens, bi-directional streaming connectivity with Microsoft Office Excel, a C++ API, a .NET API, FIX connectivity, market data and order routing.

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